17. 11. 2009

Photomasks freebie VI.

I create these photomasks as free for your enjoyment
+ there is added a little bonus
- fall paper

Vyrobila som pre vás tieto free fotomasky
+ ako bonus pridávam
jesenný papier

16. 11. 2009

Holiday train

We'll have something for everyone come Dec. 1st
and with well over 50 designers,
this is one blog train
you won't want to miss!

1. 11. 2009

November Goodie Train THANKFUL

Welcome to the stop on the November Goodie Train!
Some designers have taken their time to create a wonderful
free kits for your enjoyment.
Keep in mind that each designer is in a different time zone.So if you don't see it posted, come back a little later.
Please check out all of their contributions.
The main stop

Vitajte na zastávke novembrového Goodie train!

Viacerí dizajnéri pre vás vytvorili krásne freebie. Avšak sú z rôznych krajín a fungujú v rozdielnom časovom pásme- preto ak momentálne nenájdete niektoré freebie zverejnené, vráťte sa na ich stránku trochu neskôr.
Hlavná stanicaTU

Grab my part here (click on the preview):
Moju časť sťahujte tu:

Freebies of other designers download here:
Freebie ostatných dizajnérov môžte stiahnuť na ich stránkach:

Pimp your Tags
Polkadot scraps
Rachel's Expressionz
ellanoir---YOU ARE HERE
Candy Coated Scraps
Alika's Scraps
Sacred Creation
Graphics by Pokadot
Wilma 4ever
Digital Blueprint
Life with Shal
Digital Creations from Millstream Cottage
Charlie Online
Jen's Sweet Temptations

I create elements in my kits using scalable vector graphic program.
In some cases the idea of some images is not mine own-
work of other artists sometimes is source of inspiration for me....
But the elements are drawn by mysef.
I don´t sell them, are free and for personal using only.

BNB blog train "Let´s Be Thankful"

Hey everyone!
Welcome to the stop on the November BNB Blog Train!
Some designers have taken their time to create a wonderful
free kits for your enjoyment.
Please check out all of their contributions.
Main train stop here

vítam vás na zastávke novembrového BNB blog train!
Viacerí dizajnéri pre vás vytvorili krásne freebie.
Hlavná stanica TU

Grab my part here (click on the preview):
Moju časť sťahujte tu:

other train stops:

ďalšie zastávky:
Bits N Bobs
Distinctively Auri Scraps
Tootypup scraps
digital blueprint
Dark Moon's Dream
Ellanoir design---YOU ARE HERE
Tagging Angels N Scraps
Felice original
HutchsBaby's Faith in Christ Scraps
Designed by Stina
Winters loft
Jennie D Designs
Gothic inspirations
Creative disorder
Created by Jill