15. 3. 2010


it´s time for March BNB Train.
The designers have put together an amazing collection of free kits for you.
So be sure to check out all the blogs!

je tu marcový BNB train.
Čaká na vás kolekcia naozaj krásnych kitov,
všetky sú free (zatiaľ).
Tak šup, treba rýchlo navštíviť všetky blogy!

Grab my part clicking on the preview below:
Moju časť sťahujte tu:

2. 3. 2010

1. 3. 2010

Another tutorial FEELING LUCKY by Maple

Maple made a tutorial tag
with my freebie scrap kit
You can find ithere
on her blog.

Maple vytvorila tutorial
s použitím môjho freebie
Nájdete ho tu
na jej blogu...

Gothic Inspiration Train GATEWAY TO ANNWN

This train theme is Irish with the name as Gateway to Annwn-
Celtic Underworld.
Some people have claimed that the door to Annwn
was near Lundy Island or on Glastonbury Tor.
Annwn has been interpreted as an Isle of the Dead,
as a place where saints and kings are buried,
in medieval times as Hell
and in modern folklore as fairyland.
Its door was open on a certain day of the year
and the humans were welcome in
for feasting and celebration,
upon the condition that they took nothing back
with them to the human realm.
This went on until one human took a flower back
to the human lands.
From that day on, the door has remained closed to them forever...

Tento mesiac prinášame írsku tématiku
Brána do Annwn-keltského podsvetia.
Niektorí tvrdia,že vstup do Annwnu bol pri ostrove Lundy
alebo na vrchu Glastonbury Tor.
Annwn bol popisovaný ako ostrov mŕtvych,
miesto, kde boli pochovaní svätci a králi,
v stredoveku ako peklo a v súčasnosti často
ako krajina víl.
Jeho brána bola otvorená jeden deň v roku
a ľudia sa mohli zúčastniť na hostine a oslave pod podmienkou,
že si z tohto sveta nič nevezmú do sveta ľudí.
Jedného dňa istý človek odtiaľ odniesol kvet
a od toho dňa brána ostala pre ľudí navždy zatvorená...

Grab my part clicking on the preview below:
Moju časť sťahujte tu:

Please keep in mind that each designer is in a different time zone.
So if you don't see their freebies posted, come back a little later.

Dizajnéri sú z rôznych krajín a fungujú v rozdielnom časovom pásme,
takže ak momentálne nenájdete niektoré freebie zverejnené,
vráťte sa na ich stránku neskôr.

Kelly with: Angels Designz

Jill with: Created By Jill

Dani with: Darkmoon's Dream

Sarah with: Designs By Sarah

Dianna with: Digicats (& Dogs)

Miriam with: Ellanoir Design

Jessica with: Gothic Inspirations

Brandi with: Grunge & Glitter

Hezalin with: HezaScraps & Tags

Sally with: Mythical Designs

Justine with: PSP Addict

Rachel with: Rachels Expressionz

Simone with: Scrappy Bit Of Fun

Sky with: Sky's Scraps

Judy with: Winter's Loft

I create elements in my kits using scalable vector graphic program.
In some cases the idea of some images is not mine own-
work of other artists sometimes is source of inspiration for me....
But the elements are drawn by mysef.
I don´t sell them, are free and for personal using only.


The theme for the month of March is "Alice in Wonderland".
Please keep in mind that each designer is in a different time zone.
So if you don't see their freebies posted, come back a little later.

Téma na mesiac marec je "Alica v krajine zázrakov".
Dizajnéri sú z rôznych krajín a fungujú v rozdielnom časovom pásme,
takže ak momentálne nenájdete niektoré freebie zverejnené,
vráťte sa na ich stránku neskôr.

Grab my part clicking on the preview below:
Moju časť sťahujte tu:

The rest of the train you can find here:
Ostatné časti nájdete tu:

Ellanoir -------you are here

I create elements in my kits using scalable vector graphic program.
In some cases the idea of some images is not mine own-
work of other artists sometimes is source of inspiration for me....
But the elements are drawn by mysef.
I don´t sell them, are free and for personal using only.